
Movie Marquee

the cherub wore white walking shoes
singing the silly Willie blues
as he chased the city buses by foot
the cherub wore white walking shoes
spilling the secret agent news
as the buses beat him every time

the mermaid made the taffy from scratch
butterscotch, strawberry, and peach
the mermaid loved her taffy recipe
handed down from mermaids before her

I put up every letter on that movie marquee
I put up A, I put up B, I put up C
I did it all and then it all
disappeared like midnight into moonlight into you

the spinster wore her special sweater vest
from the man who loved her the best
in the winter of ’56
the spinster wore her special sweater vest
from the man who once confessed
that their one winter felt like spring

the fairy had never been kissed
years of promises never kept
the fairy dreamed of kisses from gods
and frogs and demons and sprites

I put up every letter
on that movie marquee
I put up N, I put up O, I put up P
I did it all and then it all
disappeared like midnight into moonlight into you

January 15, 2001

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