
TGICF (Thank God It's Casual Friday)

The traffic was sticky and slow
I was listening to my morning show
The crew were wild and wacky
Like crack babies on crack
The man in the next lane was staring ahead
At nothing, his baseball cap was on forward
I said "Who do you think you are, Tom Selleck?"
That's when the week flew by
In my personal collective unconsciousness
Monday, I don't like
Tuesday should be shot. Twice
Dry hump day bleeds into Thursday's dirge
As the gods of the 10 freeway blessed our merge
And I really don't have a morning show
I listen to compact discs
Made by men who take medium risks
As I drum the wheel with two-fingered fists
Goddamn it's slow today
But at least I can say
Despite every delay
Thank god
Thank god
Thank god
It's casual friday

February 4, 2005

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